Time Triggers, Habits & Hacking Your Creativity

The newsletter which curates & delivers the best mind hacks, mental health tips & high performance strategies to you every single week.


How To Use 'Time Triggers' To Build New Habits Faster & Get Better Results In Life!

Every habit has a 'cue' or 'trigger'... (that is, something that tells your mind & body that now is the time to start playing out that particular habit of yours.)

It could be a specific emotional state like boredom, triggering the habit of checking your phone/social mediaā€¦ or, stress cueing you to start biting your fingernails or going for a smoke...

It can be a location or physical environment... which prompts certain habits & behaviors (like driving past your favourite coffee shop making you crave coffeeā€¦ or stepping into the office focusing your mind on work over other areas of your life)ā€¦

Or it can be (this weekā€™s ā€˜habit hackā€™)... time.

Consider this: how do you know when it's time to wake up, to start work (or stop working at the end of the day)ā€¦ or to eat, or go back to sleep at night?

Each of these actions/habits is usually (for most people) triggered by a specific ā€˜timeā€™ on the clock.

We wake up at a certain time/frame & we've done that for years... so when that time shows up (or, even when we're not consciously aware of it - for example, we are asleep... but our body/circadian rhythm - still keeps track of this) & we wake up consistently around that same timeā€¦

Same with eating...

Same with going to the bathroom (we tend to do it at similar times) because our biology works in this same way here tooā€¦

In essenceā€¦ much of our lives are connected with the structure of ā€˜timeā€™, including many of the successful habits you've already developed in your life...

This may be obvious, but sometimes we forget this (or simply don't do it) when we're attempting to build a new habit, such as daily meditation, journalling, running, or going to the gym, etc...

We sort of assume that we'll just do them when we'll want to, or that we'll be reminded of them...

But, that's the problem...

Feelings, emotions, etc are more sporadic & random... ā€˜timeā€™ is not. 

Time is inherently consistent & therefore a great cue/trigger you can use when building good, positive habits in your lifeā€¦

And yes, the research is very clear on this...

By giving a new habit a specific "time" (& being consistent in this timing - for example, 10am every day... rather than 6am one day, 7pm the next, 9:30 the day after that)...

...by having a specific time & being consistent in that time, it helps us to internalize the new habit faster...

For example, if you want to go to the gym every day (if that's the habit you want to build) WHEN do you want to go?

At what time?


It's helpful even to pretend like it's a meeting with someone else that you have daily & you need to not just show up, but show up on time.

Or, morning meditation...

If you wake up at this time, when do you want to meditate?

Or, going for a run? At what time?

Or reading?

Maybe you give it a set timeā€¦ (e.g. at 6:30PM every day, you sit down for 30 minutes to read. Every day, same time)

There's a great quote around this that goes...


ā€œWhat gets scheduled, get's doneā€

Peter Drucker

Schedules are based on time, meaning what has a clear time & it's locked in, is going to get doneā€¦ (vs. something that you aspire to, but you've never scheduled in a clear time to do it.)

So, the next time you want to make sure you do something (or to build a habit that you do consistently to get amazing results) create a specific time trigger or anchor for that behavior!


ā€˜Diaphragmatic Breathingā€™ (Or... The Breathing Pattern For Releasing Stress, Evaporatng Anxiety & Tuning Into Deep Calm In Seconds!)

As weā€™ve covered in previous emails, one of the best ways to change your mind, body & the emotional state that you're in (& do so rapidly) is through breathwork.

Specifically for releasing stress, anxiety & bringing about deep states of calm & relaxation, one of the best, most basic, breathing protocols is... diaphragmatic breathing.

The diaphragm, often overlooked despite its significance, is the largest muscle in your body & plays a vital role in your breathing processā€¦

It's your primary breathing muscle & understanding how to engage it properly can be a game-changer.

Most of us have developed the habit of taking quick, shallow breaths, primarily located in the upper chest.

This pattern triggers the "fight or flight" response, keeping us in a state of perpetual anxiety & irritationā€¦

But there's a simple antidote:

"Low & Slow" breathing (a.k.a. Diaphragmatic Breathing)

Imagine breathing deeply into your belly.

Again, this is the basic anti-stress breathing pattern that can shift you from anxiety to calm incredibly, astonishingly quicklyā€¦

(The key is making it an unconscious habit, a part of your daily life).

To get started with ā€˜diaphragmatic breathingā€™, try this simple exercise:

  • Lying Down: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a book or a small sandbag on your belly. As you inhale, let your breath lift the book; as you exhale, let it settle down. Focus on creating a smooth, rhythmic movement.

  • Sitting: While sitting, interlace your fingers lightly over your belly button. Inhale deeply, allowing your breath to push your hands apart. Exhale, bringing your hands back together. Feel the expansion and contraction with each breath.

  • Standing: Stand with your hands on each side of your waist, above your hips. As you exhale, gently squeeze your hands toward your midline, and your fingers together. Inhale, feeling the breath move your hands apart and spread your fingers open. Gradually increase the pressure to resist expansion while inhaling.

Make this practice a regular part of your life & watch as it transforms your emotional well-being & overall vitality.

Remember, diaphragmatic breathing isn't just about the act of breathing; it's a gateway to a more peaceful, liberated you. 

So, embrace the power of your breath, let go of tension & welcome a brighter, calmer tomorrow!

And if youā€™d like to learn how to apply the ancient, timeless practice of breathwork to release stress, boost energy, activate high performance & access peak states of consciousness ā€” for heightened levels of focus, creativity, productivity & bliss ā€” on commandā€¦ be sure to check out our full course on the topic, called:



ā€œThe master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, heā€™s always doing both.ā€

James Michener


'Third Places' (Or... The Stupidly-Simple Way To Enhance Creativity, Motivation, Focus & Connection *Without* Changing Anything Else!)

In sociologist Ray Oldenburg's book "The Great Good Place," he introduced & popularized the concept of ā€˜third placesā€™, which are spaces distinct from home (your 'first place') & work (your 'second place')ā€¦

These 'third places', often cozy & welcoming, are where you gather, connect & engage in various activities...

Think of the ā€˜Central Perkā€™ cafe in the hit TV show ā€˜Friendsā€™ā€¦ itā€™s the quintessential "third place" for the characters in the showā€¦

But it's not just coffee shops & it's not just about social & connection...

Libraries, co-working spaces, bars, & community centers can all be great "third places"ā€¦

These spaces, again, are vital for fostering community, social interaction, as well as for boosting your own creativity, motivation & productivity...

To start, one key benefit is creative...

Many creative geniuses found inspiration in the relaxed atmosphere of a 'third place'...

Think Johann Sebastian Bach composing in a coffee house, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin & Charles Darwin reflecting in their favorite spots, or Sigmund Freud conducting psychoanalytic discussions in Viennese coffee houses. (Even J.K. Rowling penned parts of her first novel in a cafƩ in Edinburgh.)

These great men & women understand that part of the magic of these spaces lies in their ability to stimulate creativity.

The atmosphere, the buzz of activity, & the casual ambiance can really ignite your imagination in a way that sitting at home or in the office might not be able to...

Speaking of motivation or productivity more broadly...

It's not just about what's in your surroundings; it's about the change in environment, which leads us to the concept of environment "switching" that we covered in a previous edition of the newsletter...

Our minds tend to fall into a groove when we're in the same physical environment/surroundings for too long...

Initially, this familiarity helps us focus, but over time, it can lead to disengagement.

Your brain starts to craves some sort of newness & novelty, although not necessarily a complete break from workā€¦

Consider how you change positions when trying to fall asleep at night or how top companies provide various seating options for their employees. It's the same principle at playā€¦

To maintain peak productivity, you can apply this hack to your workday.

Here's how it works:

After a focused work session, take a short break. Stand up, stretch, maybe even change your playlist. Then, move to a different workspace or environment, whether it's the kitchen table or a coffee shop. The change stimulates your subconscious mind, helping you refocus without completely interrupting your workflow.

Just as turning over at night doesn't mean it's time to wake up, your impulse for change during work doesn't mean it's time to stop working. It's a signal to switch things up.

So, leverage the power of "third places" (& environment "switching") to boost your creativity, productivity, and overall success in life!

Give it a try this week & see how it transforms your experience!

If youā€™d like to learn more about creativity & how to unleash yours, check out the complete Potencia creativity course, titled:


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