Rapid Energy Hack, Mental Toughness & Law Of Simplicity

The newsletter which curates & delivers the best mind hacks, mental health tips & high performance strategies to you every single week.


‘Cold Exposure’ (Or… The Proven Practice To Boost Energy Levels, Reduce Anxiety & Build Mental Toughness)

In a previous newsletter, we covered the incredible benefits of 'heat exposure' (including hot showers & baths, sauna's, steam rooms, warm compresses, massages & more)...

This week, we're going to talk about the opposite in the form of 'cold exposure' — a category of habits including cold showers, ice baths, winter swimming & more!)

And yes, these are also incredibly good for your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing too — there are profound benefits on both extremes of the temperature spectrum! 😃

(note: we also covered the strictly-health & physical benefits of cold exposure in our 'Body' newsletter which you can check out here... & we'll focus on the mental & emotional benefits today in this particular publication.)

Some of the main mental & emotional benefits include:

1. Increased Alertness, Focus & Energy

Cold exposure leads to the rapid release of certain neurochemicals & hormones including cortisol, adrenalin, norepinephrine (which is your brain’s version of adrenalin & your primary 'focusing' chemical) as well as your main 'motivation' molecule, dopamine...

note: when you think norepinephrine, think intense focus...

And dopamine = motivation.

This neurochemical mix then radically obliterates any feelings of fatigue or tiredness & leads to rapid & radical increases in alertness, focus, energy, motivation & drive.

In some studies, cold showers & ice baths have been shown to increase dopamine by up to 250%... or boost norepinephrine by up to 530%!

Considering this… there may be specific times of the day — as we covered in a previous newsletter about 'perfect timing' in which 'cold exposure' of various kinds may actually be counterproductive (like if you're attempting to fall asleep, you don't adrenalin coursing through you & heightened energy levels!)...

But also times in which it'll be highly productive & a very smart thing for you to use, like in the morning, after waking up, to give you a rapid boost of energy!

Another note: this works better & quicker for boosting energy levels than consuming caffeine in coffee.

Or... you can combine this (& other) habits together to work even faster!

One final thing to consider is that these hormones remain elevated for a period of time after the cold exposure, which can improve your focus & energy levels for other tasks later in the day too…

2. Improved Mood

Together with an increase in energy, cold exposure has also been known to boost overall mood (making you feel better & more positive) afterwards (vs the immediate pain you might feel when starting the practice).

This is due to the release of these (& other) endorphins, neurochemicals & hormones that act as natural painkillers & mood boosters…

Another psychological explanation is what's known as the 'pain-pleasure balance' (like a swing)... which explains that when you do things that are immediately pleasurable, you'll usually feel bad afterwards…

(like how pleasurable the taste of eating a whole tub of ice cream, followed by the sugar crash & feelings of shame that follow!)

Cold exposure works in the other direction (just like going to the gym)... it's hard, challenging & difficult to start... but it gives you amazing feelings in the hours that follow (the pleasure from the experience comes afterwards & over the long-term.)

We'll cover this more in a moment...

Before we do, another specific mental & emotional benefit of cold exposure is...

3. Lower Stress, Anxiety & Improved Mental Health

While cold exposure releases the hormones associated with stress (like cortisol), it may be somewhat paradoxical to hear that a cold shower can actually reduce your stress or lower anxiety over time. But it is, in fact, true...

Firstly, repeated, voluntary exposure to cold temperatures (which exposes your nervous system to small amounts of these stress hormones regularly) you can build a 'tolerance' of sorts to stress over time... (also like going to the gym & training your muscles.)

Secondly, the shock that comes from cold exposure empties the mind & makes it virtually impossible to think about other problems in life...

More broadly, it'll give you...

4. Increased Belief, Resilience, Mental Toughness & Self-Discipline

When we do things that we used to consider hard, difficult, or even impossible, this builds self-belief...

When we do things that are somewhat painful (again, like a tough workout, or in this case, cold exposure) but we know are good for us, we build mental toughness...

And when we do these things consistently, the benefits ripple out even further as we build greater & greater resilience, mental strength, courage & self-discipline that can then positively impact other areas of our life (& our life as a whole) too.

Reminder: chances are, with cold exposure (as well as many of the other beneficial things in your life) you're not going to 'feel like it' at first...

And yes, at first, every part of you is going to fight with the idea of turning the shower to cold, or getting into an ice bath...

…but, that's where the resilience & self-discipline is built!

So, those are just some of the mental & emotional benefits of cold exposure including cold showers or ice baths (which you can at home) or winter swimming (that is, going into the cold water during winter) — you can check out the purely physical benefits here.

Do you take cold showers or ice baths?

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'Energizing Breath' (Or... A Simple Breathing Pattern For A Rapid Energy, Focus & Motivation Boost Now!)

When most people think of breathwork or meditation, they think of relaxation (low energy, calm emotional states)…

And yes, most of the lot of patterns & techniques within these practices do, indeed, focus on achieving those calmer states…

However, this is not all that breathwork is good for...

You can also use it to go in the other direction too — to raise your energy levels, boost focus & drive!

(much in the same way that you can either heat exposure or cold exposure to change how you feel in different ways.)

Introducing: the 'energizing breath'.

As we’ve established, this rapid breathing technique is all about activating (rather than de-activating) the breath & your nervous system — specifically the sympathetic response.

What is does is it excites your nervous system (much like the cold temperature when taking a cold shower or ice bath) also making you more alert & feel more energized...

Now, how to perform the ‘Energizing Breath’:

  • Inhale & exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed; your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible

  • Try for 3 in-and-out breath cycles per second.

  • Also... do not go for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Energizing Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.

Test it now for yourself :)

note: if you haven't noticed this already, you can actually combine the first 2 hacks from today's newsletter together for even more benefit!

Test using the 'energizing breath' while taking a cold shower or ice bath ('cold exposure'!)

If you’d like to learn more breathwork techniques…

…proven to melt away stress or anxiety, raise your energy, boost health & activate high performance…

…check out our other free ‘Breath & Breathing’ newsletter today!

This free, companion, weekly newsletter will help you learn, practice & master the ancient, timeless practice of breathwork to transform all dimensions of your wellbeing (mind, body & spirit) as a result!

What did you think of this newsletter so far?

We would love to hear from you... Click to rate this week's newsletter so far:

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“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes & dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

Les Brown


Speaking of energy levels & practices for improving your routine & transforming your life for the better…

In the in-depth Potencia training course on the topic, you’ll learn everything a proven blueprint & all the scientifically-backed methods for optimizing your energy, designing (or designing) your perfect daily routine & taking back full control of your life...

…instantly levelling up your focus, multiplying your productivity, enhancing creativity & improving overall effectiveness...

…as well as leading to significant improvements to your health, fitness, physique, work, career, finances & relationships with others, fast!

The course is called…

…& this will be a game-changer for you!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • How your 'circadian rhythm' (a.k.a. your internal clock that regulates your energy, alertness, focus, sleep, appetite, etc) really works... & how to better align yourself with it (instead of fighting against it)... so you're naturally a lot more productive, without changing anything else...

  • You'll also learn why starting work in 'reaction' mode (e.g. email, messages, social media, demands from the environment, etc) is no longer an effective approach in today’s fast-paced world... (plus: how to practically adopt a 'proactiveness-first' approach so you can get more done before noon than others get done all day!)

  • '4 Zones' framework, explained — The game-changing daily structure framework that'll change how you think about your daily planning, work & life forever… (note: this is one of my all-time biggest secrets to productivity, creativity, output & overall success & will quickly become yours too!)

  • 1 simple 'mental reframe' that can instantly melt away almost any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing (as famously used by the great Stoic philosophers throughout history!)

  • Chronobiology secrets — How to use sight (light, size, distance, direction), sound (volume, tempo, pitch, etc) & touch, taste & smell... to overcome fatigue, get rid of brain fog, boost focus & radically increase your energy levels during the day...

  • The 1 activity scientifically proven to reduce stress levels by 50% in just 6 minutes (& the best times of the day to use this particular practice)

  • 10 timeless practices to help you win the first hour of your day, scientifically proven to boost your mood, energy & readiness in the short term... & transform your physical, mental & emotional health & wellbeing over the long-term as well...

  • The simple, yet profound, 4-pt productivity framework the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower used to manage the endless requests, demands & priorities of the White House... (plus: how to apply the same productivity to manage the busyness of your own life)

  • 'To-Do Lists' vs 'Outcome-Driven Blocks' — one of these approaches sets you up for major inefficiency, while the other enables you to get more done in less time (while simultaneously reducing your overwhelm & stress!)

And a whole lot more...


'Occam’s Razor' (Or… A Philosophical Tool For Reducing Complexity & Simplifying Life While Achieving Better Results!)

Do you ever catch yourself over-complicating things in your life?

It's a common trap we all fall into from time to time…

We take something straightforward & turn it into an intricate web of thoughts, decisions & possible actions.

The result? More confusion, more work, and more stress.

It's time to break free from this cycle...

Enter Occam's Razor: The Law of Simplicity.

At its core, this principle states that:

"in most cases, the simplest explanation is the right one."

Imagine, for example, that you have a splitting headache...

Your mind might immediately jump to the worst-case scenario — a life-threatening disease.

Sure, that's a possibility, but Occam's Razor advises a different approach…

The simpler explanation?

You might be dehydrated, stressed, or simply coming down with a common cold…

Remember, in most cases, the simplest explanation is the right one.

Albert Einstein, a genius in his own right, echoed this sentiment:

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."

In essence, it's usually far more intelligent to start with the simplest explanation for a problem or situation & then work your way up from there to greater complexity than it is to start with the most farfetched outcome & attempt to simplify later.

But, let's explore some more...

How does Occam's Razor apply to your personal growth journey?

Well, it's not just about headaches, but about the bigger picture too...

When it comes to your goals, projects, and daily decisions, this principle & tool truly can be a game-changer...

Many people find themselves busy but making little progress on their goals…

One reason is they're focusing their energy on a multitude of less important tasks, rather than homing in on the 1 thing that truly matters & doing that...

reminder: complexity isn't the enemy here; it's about the order in which you approach it... start with simplicity.

So, how can you put Occam's Razor into action starting today? Here's a quick guide:

  1. Identify Complexity: Whenever you face a problem, decision, or goal, recognize if you're making it more complicated than it needs to be.

  2. Seek Simplicity: Start with the simplest explanation or action. Ask yourself: What's the most straightforward approach here? What's the basic first step that I can take now?

  3. Gradual Complexity: If necessary, work your way up to complexity, adding layers of detail or depth as needed.

By embracing 'Occam's Razor', you'll simplify your life, reduce confusion & minimize overwhelm, all while getting more done & achieving better results!

You'll have the clarity to focus on the actions that truly work and make significant progress toward your goals...

Remember, the path to personal growth & high performance often starts with a simple step. Embrace simplicity, and you'll find that success isn't as complicated as it might seem 😃 

And if you’d like to learn more thinking frameworks like this (to help you make better decisions & achieve better results) be sure to check out our other publication on this topic, called:

As part of this particular publication, we do the heavy lifting & grunt work of meticulously researching, studying & curating the best insights, concepts & frameworks for you & share it all… helping you make more intelligent decisions & get ahead in life...

…& ultimately supporting you to achieve more of the results, the success, happiness & wellbeing you truly deserve in this life!


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