Kobe Bryant, The Beatles, Regret & The Secret To Success

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The Importance Of Self-Discipline For Skill Acquisition & Success In Life (As Show By Kobe Bryant, Elon Musk, The Beatles & Other High Achievers!)

Have you ever wondered what separates those who achieved extraordinary levels of ability, mastery & success from others who unfortunately do not? (The ā€˜secret to success,ā€™ if you willā€¦)

Well, while there is no 1 single ingredient that separates those who succeed from those who fail, there are a few core pillars ā€” the most significant factors ā€” that are central to the achievement processā€¦

(similar to how while there may be hundreds, if not thousands, of little things you can do to improve your healthā€¦ there are certain core pillars/significant factors that they fall into & that make the biggest difference including good nutrition, consistent exercise, sleep, managing stress, etc.)

One of these factors (pre-requisites for achievement) is, of course, discipline & hard work, which is what weā€™re going to explore in this weekā€™s newsletterā€¦

Simply put: in order to achieve a world-class level of skill or results at something, you have to be self-disciplined & work hard at it (there is simply is no way around it & ā€˜overnight successā€™ is a myth)...

A good example of the type of hard work & discipline required to succeed at the absolute highest of levels (& you can scale back this extreme depending on your own goals & the level of ā€˜balanceā€™ you want in your life)ā€¦ is the story of the late Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest basketball players to ever grace the Earthā€¦

At the age of 34, Kobe Bryant had already won 5 NBA championships, 2 NBA Finals, MVP awards & 2 Olympic Gold Medalsā€¦

But it wasnā€™t his so-called ā€˜talentā€™ or' ā€˜natural-born giftsā€™ that made him this extraordinary & successful (as we covered in a previous newsletter)ā€¦ but more so, his immense discipline, astounding work ethic & true commitment to mastering his craft every dayā€¦

In the summer of 2012 for example, a professional trainer, Rob, was hired to train the USA Basketball Team that would be playing in the Olympics in Londonā€¦

Upon his first interaction with Kobe, Rob gave Kobe his number & told him to call him any time he wanted to do some extra conditioning work (which is crucial to increasing performance & recovery for athletes during critical games)...

2 days later at 4:15 am, Kobe gave him a callā€¦

ā€œRob, I hope I'm not disturbing anything right?ā€

ā€œNo, what's up Kobe?ā€ Rob replied.

ā€œJust wondering if you could just help me out with some conditioning work,ā€ Kobe asked.

ā€œSure, I'll see you in the facility in a bit.ā€

This phone conversation happened at 4.15 am!

Approximately 20 minutes later, Rob walked into the training facility expecting to meet Kobe there to start the conditioning...

However, Kobe was already thereā€¦

He saw Kobe there, alone, completely dripping in sweat, already deep into his conditioningā€¦ (it wasnā€™t even 5 am yet!)

After about 2 hours of conditioning work together, Rob went back to get some quick rest before the dayā€™s practice beganā€¦ but Kobe went to the court to practice his shootingā€¦

After about 2 hours of conditioning work together (7 am) Rob went back to his hotel to get some quick rest before the actual dayā€™s practice began.

During that time, Kobe went to the court to practice his shootingā€¦

11am - Rob arrived back at the facility to meet the rest of the USA basketball team.

They were talking & chatting waiting for training to begin, except 1 player; Kobe.

On the far side of the facility, he was there shooting hoopsā€¦

ā€œGood work this morningā€ Rob said to Kobe.

ā€œYeah, thanks Rob. I really appreciate itā€ Kobe replied.

ā€œSo when did you finish?ā€

ā€œFinish what?ā€ Kobe asked.

ā€œGetting your shots up. What time did you leave the facility?ā€ Rob asked Kobeā€¦

ā€œOh, just now. I wanted 800... so yeah, just now.ā€

Rob was shocked!

Kobe was drenched with sweat before 5 am, worked with Rob on conditioning for 2 hours, then made 800 shots over 4 hours until 11 am...

Most impressive of all, this was all PRE-training (meaning that the actual training was only about to begin & Kobe was going to be there)

He did all thatā€¦ 6, almost 7 hours of hard work & training... before the official training with the team had even begun!

Thatā€™s work ethic.

Thatā€™s commitment.

That is world-class discipline.

Whatā€™s more, this was far from a one-time occurrence to impress the new coach or anything like this (discipline is doing the work even when ā€” especially when ā€” no one else is watching)... & there are dozens of examples like this from Kobeā€™s life, wowing others with his discipline, his sheer will to win & ability to extend himselfā€¦

Another highly-successful person who stands out for his discipline & hard work is Elon Musk; the man behind Tesla, SpaceX & other billion-dollar companies including most recently, Twitter (or ā€˜Xā€™)...

While most people attempt to become extraordinary at what they do & achieve their goals by working 9-5 (& taking weekends off)... Elon Musk has regularly worked 100 hours per week (thatā€™s an average of 14.28 hours per day 7 days per week)...

This means he works 2X & sometimes 3X times harder than everybody elseā€¦

(during his childhood, he also used to read up to 10 hours a day prioritizing learning & also being consistent with everything he didā€¦)

One final great example weā€™ll include in this section are The Beatles who during the early stages of their career, went to Hamburg, Germany where they regularly performed on stage for 5 to 8 hours per day, 7 days a week (& they did this multiple times a year)...

Thatā€™s right, while most bands or musicians might do a 3-hour-long concert every few weeks (or months)...

The Beatles performed for up to 8 hours every nightā€¦

Which really brings their success into perspective too, further highlighting the power of self-discipline, importance of hard work & putting in the long hours to master what you doā€¦

The diversity of these examples also shows that this applies to virtually everythingā€¦ (& not just business, money, or entrepreneurship)

If you want to be a world-class artist, paint more (work harder)

If you want to be a famous musician, be more disciplined (work harder)

If you want better health, go to the gym & work hard at that goal you set for your body (be disciplined here.)

Whether you want to dominate an industry (or many of them, like Elon Musk) or you simply want to get a pay raise in your career, the path to get there is similarā€¦ that path is the sequential & strategic acquisition of skills, which in turn are acquired through disciplined time, effort & consistent.

So, yes, whatever dreams you haveā€¦ self-discipline & hard work is a irreplaceable key for getting there.

And yes, the highest levels of achievement (extreme success) do usually require a disproportionate allocation of your time & attentionā€¦

Although again, we remind you that the real key is to match your level of work to your level of ambition, scaling back & creating more ā€˜balanceā€™ if thatā€™s what you want in your lifeā€¦

Finally, the very things we value most in life, never come without self-discipline...

Great health & fitness does not come overnight.

Six-pack abs donā€™t just appearā€¦

The ability to run marathons doesnā€™t come overnightā€¦

It all takes hundreds & thousands of hours of disciplined training, sweat & workā€¦

Great relationships, friendships & partnerships are never formed overnight eitherā€¦

It may not appear to be ā€˜hard workā€™, but it is a form of commitment & disciplineā€¦ itā€™s about doing the right thing, being a good person, showing up as the best possible friend, coworker, husband/wife, mother/father you canā€¦ consistentlyā€¦ every single dayā€¦

And itā€™s this consistent quality time, connection, shared experience & understanding that builds great friendships, intimate relationships, family bonds, an amazing relationship with your kids or solid business partnership.

So, ask yourselfā€¦


Are you being disciplined in the pursuit of your goals? Are you working hard enough? Are you consistently showing up & doing the things that your goals require of you?


In case you missed the announcement, we just released a brand new course (in partnership with the worldā€™s leading expert on the topic; with 53+ years of experience & committment to his craft), called:

Breathwork is an ancient, timeless as well as scientifically-proven practice thatā€™s proven to boost mental health, sharpen your mind, help you activate high performance & access peak states of consciousness ā€” for heightened focus, creativity, productivity & results ā€” on demand.

In this course, youā€™ll learn how anyone can apply this practice (even if youā€™re brand new to it)ā€¦ to unleash the full power of your mind & elevate all dimensions of your wellbeing:



ā€œIā€™m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.ā€

Thomas Jefferson

Contrary to popular belief, there is actually a bit of ā€˜scienceā€™ to luck & there are ways that you can create more ā€˜luckā€™ in your lifeā€¦

ā€¦including yes, working hard at your craft (ā€˜disciplineā€™) which in turn allows you to fully seize opportunities when they come about as you have the knowledge, skills & abilities to do so.

ā€Žā€šŸ§  MIND HACK

The Power Of Regret

Imagine carrying a backpack filled with rocks, each one representing a moment of regret in your lifeā€¦

It's heavy, it's burdensome & worst of all, it's tethered to the past ā€” a time beyond our reach & control (we canā€™t change it!)

Regret, a complex emotion rooted in hindsight & the painful recognition of our previous mistakes, often emerges as the most excruciating form of psychological discomfortā€¦

But what if we told you that this very pain could also be re-channeled into something positive & a way to improve ourselves & our livesā€¦

And no, the ethos of regret as a catalyst for change isn't new or novel, but deeply rooted in human psychologyā€¦

Consider the world's high performers (such as the ones we started this newsletter with, amongst countless others)ā€¦ theyā€™ve mastered the art of turning fails & regret into a stepping stone for unparalleled success in the future.

They don't merely set goals; they harness the stark reality of past pains ā€” those moments of failure, disappointment, and lost opportunities ā€” to fuel their journey forward.

You can do this too if youā€™d likeā€¦

How? Well, the next time you fail & feel the negative emotion that usually comes wit that, instead of numbing or looking to avoid that pain, consider feeling it (& feeling it fully!)ā€¦ & use that as motivation to move forward (remembering exactly what that pain feels like so it motivates you to never want to feel that pain again).

(after all, thatā€™s what the evolutionary purpose of negative emotions like regret isā€¦ to move us away from the things that invoke them.)

And so, precisely this (past failures, regrets & moments of strong pain) are a big part of the ā€˜motivation mechanismā€™ of high achievers!

What you can also do is use regret as a way to improve your decision-makingā€¦

Daniel Pink shares about this in his enlightening book "The Power of Regret," which dives deep how this emotion & explore all of the ways it can guide us, including improving our future decision-makingā€¦

In the book, he categorizes regrets into domains that reflect our basic human needs: opportunities not taken, connections not nurtured, standards not upheld & self-perceptions unfulfilled.

By understanding & categorizing our regrets in this manner, we can use them as a diagnostic tool ā€” a compass pointing toward what truly matters to us.

Jeff Bezos also famously used a method for decision making (itā€™s actually the strategy that helped him to make the decision of starting what is now e-commerce giant Amazon & the company would probably not exist without it) called the ā€˜Regret Minimization Frameworkā€™ā€¦ where he projects himself into the future & asksā€¦


ā€˜Which decision will I regret the least?ā€™

^ thatā€™s the one you usually should make.

And if youā€™d like to learn more frameworks, methods & mental models proven to improve your decision-making & results, check out our other, companion newsletter, titled:

We do the heavy lifting & grunt work of meticulously researching, studying & curating the best insights, concepts & frameworks to help you make more intelligent decisions & get ahead in life... & delivering those to you (in simple terms, easy to implement) every single week..

ā€¦ultimately, helping you to achieve more of the results, the success, happiness & wellbeing you truly deserve in this life!


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