Danger Of Smartphones, Mental Health Habit & Wealth Reprogramming (1)

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Stop Smartphone Addiction (Or… How To Enjoy The Benefits Of Modern Technology, Without The Downsides!)

You used to have to own a camera, flashlight, calculator, microphone, radio, an alarm clock, compass, external harddrive & a dozen other gadgets...

Today, your smartphone fulfills all of these functions all of these things… & a whole lot more!

The modern day smartphone truly is a wonderful thing...

However, as Paul Virilio once said:

“When you invent the ship, you invent the shipwreck”

And with the improvements that have come with the smartphone & its near-infinite option of 'apps'… the negative consequences of cell phone use are showing…

As a society, we're addicted to our smartphones (with the average person checking their smartphone an average of 144 times per day)… & it's affecting our mental health & emotional wellbeing in a very negative way!

What it’s also affecting is our focus, work & productivity (which, in turn, sabotages the results we get in various areas of our life & further ruins our happiness & wellbeing)…

So, what’s the solution?

Should we stop using our smartphones altogether? Is that the only logical option?

Or, are there ways to enjoy the benefits of modern technology, while also mitigating the downsides that come with them?

Well, here are 5 specific steps — besides the obvious step of monitoring your screen time or usage of specific apps — that you can take to reduce the distraction from your smartphone, get more done & achieve better results in all areas of your life

1. Remove apps you don't need (or that don't align with who you want to be & want to become...)

First off, it's not the smartphone itself that's so addictive, but the ‘apps’ that layer on top of the underlying technology (e.g. social media, gambling apps, gaming apps, etc)...

And these apps that we have installed are a reflection of who you are as a person… (just look at someone's smartphone apps & it's a good indicator of the type of person that they are!)

So, what you want to do is either avoid installing (or if you already have, to start to uninstall) the apps that most distract you, or don't align with the person that you'd truly want to be/become in your life…

Example: don't install, or uninstall, TikTok, so that you don't waste hours every week scrolling through it. Or uninstall gambling or gaming apps now so that you're not prompted to check them…

(you can also apply this advice in reverse & install apps that empower you to be better… like reading/audiobook apps, learning, fitness tracking, finance, etc.)

For the apps that you don't want to uninstall/stop using completely, but want to reduce compulsive checking / using off, you can apply the next step:

2. Reorganize your apps (e.g. move those that distract you away from your main / home page.)

Habit research shows that we are more likely to check or engage in activities that are closest & most convenient…

For instance, if there are plenty of sweets, snacks, or alcohol readily available at home, we are more likely to consume them rather than going through the inconvenience of going to the store…

This additional effort acts as a sort of friction for engaging in unhealthy habits.

The same principle applies to our smartphones…

We tend to instinctively click on the apps that are located on our home page & are immediately visible when we open our phones…

Therefore, by moving these more distracting apps (e.g. social media, gaming, gambling, etc) away from the home page & hiding them away on your phone, we can reduce time spent on them effortlessly

3. Change Notification Settings

Another big source of distractions on your smartphone are notifications. Most apps will turn these on by default because they want your attention…

Your goal is to turn these off, only allowing the ones that are of highest importance!

Action item: go into your smartphone notification settings now & turn off notifications for all the apps you don't need or want distracting you randomly during the day!

Another great hack is to...

4. Strategically Use ‘Do Not Disturb’ / ‘Airplane Mode’

If you're sitting down to get some work done, in most cases, you don't want your smartphone buzzing all the time with notifications, making distraction easy.

Instead, you can use "Do Not Disturb" or "Airplane Mode" at times when you need to focus to stop these notifications & reduce distraction…

And finally, what you can also do is to...

5. Leave Your Phone Out Of Sight / Reach

Like the previous example, what's easy & convenient is what we're more likely to do…

By not having your phone by your side / within arms reach every second of every day… you're less likely to check it & therefore, will be more focused / productive during the day.

Solution? In the times when you want to be fully present / focused (whether it's work, date night, or family dinner - just a few examples) leave your phone further away physically to stop yourself from checking it randomly or impulsively…

Apply these 5 basic steps to reduce distraction, improve mental health & enjoy the benefits of modern technology without the downside!

Recommended: If you'd like to learn more (including: the practical steps & strategies that follow this new understanding) for practically avoiding, eradicating & replacing distractions + boosting your focus levels & tuning into states of flow… then be sure to check out the full Potencia course on the topic, called:

Inside this course, you'll learn a number of simple, yet proven & highly-practical steps, methods & strategies to essentially hit the 'delete' button on the distraction & interruptions in your life from social media to the news to notifications or your inbox...

...as well as train up your ability to consistently tune into deep states of focus & flow...

...so you can learn anything faster, be more creative, multiply your productivity... & start hitting your goals in record time!


Reading Habit… (But With A Different Intention In Mind!)

When most people think of reading, they thinking of learning / knowledge acquisition (becoming smarter, better informed)...

Or (usually in the case of non-fiction) the simple enjoyment of reading...

What people do not usually think about are the mental health, calming, soothing, effects of reading...

A study done by the University of Sussex proves these benefits, concluding that:

'Reading a book for as little as 6 minutes is enough to lower stress levels by more than 50%'

(isn't that amazing?!)

Here’s how / when can you practically apply this in your own life:

  • Before going to bed — in the late evening, you generally want to bring about calmer emotional states (to help you to wind down & to fall asleep more easily)… making this a great time to schedule in 15 - 30 minutes of reading… (perfect as part of your evening wind-down routine!)

  • Weekends & vacations — one of the intentions people have for the weekends & when going away on vacation is to unwind from the stresses of everyday life, reading can further improve this... (this can be combined perfectly with nature/scenary, a reclined position like a beachchair, sunbathing, as well as the later parts of the afternoon.)

  • Whenever you feel stressed — instead of turning to unhealthy habits (a smoking break, drinking alcohol while watching TV, etc), you can build the habit of reading in times of stress, trusting that this (as studies prove!) will calm your mind, body & help you to how you feel much better!

(note: if you have not read the educational, inspiring non-fiction books we have published so far at Potencia, you can check them out here » )


Our friends over at Inspire3 are doing a special giveaway & gifting you a free copy of one of their most popular downloads…

This unique 'Wealth Reprogramming' audio helps you to remove any limiting beliefs & mental blocks (stored in your subconscious!) specifically related to income, money & building wealth in your life, & to ‘reprogram’ your mindset around money…

...in turn, helping you to earn better, keep more of what you make, make smarter financial decisions & even create wealth...

(it’s just 19 minutes long & works by leveraging the power of one of the most powerful methods for lasting change ever: hypnosis)

This audio is worth $49.95... but, today you get it completely free:


Aromatherapy & Positive Scents... (Or... How To Improve Mental Health Effortlessly By Leveraging The Most Underestimated Human Sense!)

There are 5 basic human senses...

And, of the 5, the sense that we generally consider the least (although it's immensely powerful!) is olfactory… or smell.

A perfect moment can be easily ruined by a bad scent (like the smell of dog poo, or a smelly fart)

Scents can trigger vivid memories better than almost any other sense…

And what scents can also do is improve our mental health & emotional wellbeing as part of our everyday life…

Aromatherapy (a timeless practice that has been used for generations) is exactly this... it is the practice of using positive scents to improve health, wellbeing & happiness…

What aromatherapy can also do is to energize you (or, to calm you) virtually at will; faster than almost anything else…

Just pull out the right scent & experience the powerful benefits…

To help you get started, here are some scents you can use & there corresponding benefits:

1. Energizing Scents: Igniting Alertness and Focus

When you need a mental boost to enhance alertness, focus, and productivity, certain invigorating scents can come to your aid. Consider infusing your workspace or living environment with these stimulating aromas:

  • Peppermint: Known for its refreshing & invigorating properties, peppermint can help combat mental fatigue & increase alertness.

  • Citrus (Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit): Citrus scents are uplifting & can improve mood, motivation & focus.

  • Rosemary: This aromatic herb is linked to improved memory retention & mental clarity.

  • Eucalyptus: The crisp scent of eucalyptus can clear your mind & promote a sense of vitality (can also be calm).

2. Calming Scents: A Retreat to Relaxation

On the flip side, when the goal is to unwind, de-stress & find a moment of tranquility, these calming scents can work wonders:

  • Lavender: Renowned for its soothing properties, lavender can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

  • Chamomile: With its gentle & comforting aroma, chamomile is perfect for inducing a sense of calm.

  • Vanilla: The warm, sweet scent of vanilla can help alleviate stress & create a cozy atmosphere.

  • Sandalwood: Known for its grounding effects, sandalwood can facilitate mindfulness & relaxation… (often used in saunas, which are also amazing for relaxation!)

Incorporating Aromatherapy into Your Routine

To harness the benefits of aromatherapy, you can use essential oil diffusers, scented candles, or even create your own custom blends.

Experiment with different scents to find the ones that resonate with you the most…

Whether it's a subtle shift in mood or a boost in productivity, the power of aromatherapy lies in its ability to subtly influence your state of mind…

So, as you embark on this aromatic journey, remember that a world of scents is waiting to be explored, offering you a delightful tool for enhancing your mental well-being, as well as focus, productivity & high performance!


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