Cognitive Reframing, Creativity & The Cathedral Effect

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ā€˜Cognitive Reframingā€™ (Orā€¦ A Simple Way To Convert Anxiety & Fear Into Excitement & Confidence!)

Harvard University conducted a psychological study, exploring various techniques for managing anxiety, nervousness, or fear, particularly before a performanceā€¦

The study investigated 2 well-known techniques in "mindfulness / meditation training" & ā€œbreathwork", as well as 1 much lesser-known oneā€¦ "Cognitive Reframing."

For the study, they applied a very basic, simplified version of this technique, where participants were instructed to take their anxiety & vocally repeat the phrase, "I am excited, I am excited, I am excited," instead of dwelling on their performance anxiety...

Surprisingly, this simple exercise yielded astonishing results!

The study revealed that merely uttering the phrase "I am excited" three times out loud surpassed the benefits of 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation when it came to managing anxiety & fear...

Isn't that remarkable?

Another study by Professor Alison Wood Brooks further highlighted the power of this simple ā€œCognitive Reframingā€ techniqueā€¦

In this particular investigation, participants were tasked with performing the popular song "Don't Stop Believing" by Journeyā€¦

Beforehand, they were instructed to vocally express either "I am anxious" or "I am excited" or remain silent altogetherā€¦

By employing computer-based measurements of pitch & volume, Professor Wood Brooks observed that those who claimed to be excited performed better, despite their nerves.

(Additionally, this technique enhanced participants' confidence in their ability to perform well in future endeavors).

As Professor Wood Brooks explained upon analyzing the study's outcomes:


"The way we verbalize and think about our feelings helps to construct the way we actually feel."

So, how can you use this?

Well, the next time you find yourself experiencing anxiety, nervousness, or fearā€¦

Such as before a significant presentation, sports event, date, or interviewā€¦

Consider using this technique to ā€˜reframeā€™ the emotional experienceā€¦

An additional part of the explanation for why this works so well is because fear & excitement are at a chemical level pretty much the exact same thingā€¦

Both are primarily driven by high levels of dopamine & the rapid rise of the neurochemical ā€˜norepinephrineā€™ in the brainā€¦

And the only, real major difference between these 2 high physiologically-charged emotions is the subjective intrepretation of whether the future has something good to offer or something badā€¦

(anxiety/fear if we think the future is bad & excitement if something good)

Which, given that the future is inheriently unknown, are equally possible & therefore itā€™s entirely subjectiveā€¦

Or put another way, itā€™s becomes all about our interpretion of whatā€™s to comeā€¦

Reframing in this way using these words/affirmations focuses the mind on the possibility of something good (which is based on reality as, again, the future is unknown) thereby converting the same underlying ingredients that were before interpreted as ā€˜fearā€™ into genuine ā€˜excitement!ā€™

By applying ā€˜Cognitive Reframingā€™ you can transform your emotions & improve your performance šŸš€ 



ā€œFind joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it.ā€™ā€™

Chuck Palahniuk


Applying The ā€˜Cathedral Effectā€™ (Orā€¦ A Simple Way To Prime Your Brain For Creative Thinking!)

Have you ever noticed how being in a grand, awe-inspiring space (like a cathedral, library, or outdoors) can evoke a sense of wonder & inspire creativity?

This phenomenon, known as the "cathedral effect," has been the subject of fascinating research in recent years & scientists have discovered indeed that spaces with high ceilingsā€¦

(including infinite space above, like being outside & looking at the sky/stars)ā€¦ 

ā€¦can have a profound impact on our cognitive abilities, particularly our insightfulness & creativity.

Thatā€™s because the ā€œcathedral effectā€ taps into the inherent connection between physical space and our mental statesā€¦

When we find ourselves in an expansive environment, our minds are more likely to think in broader terms, break free from conventional thought patterns, and explore new ideas.

The sense of vastness & openness stimulates our imagination, encouraging us to make novel connections & consider unconventional possibilities.

How you can apply this starting today to boost creativity today:

  • Seek out high ceilings & expansive environments: Whether it's visiting a cathedral, exploring a nature reserve, or simply finding a peaceful spot with a view of the open sky, make time to immerse yourself in spaces that evoke a sense of vastness. These environments can act as a springboard for your creativity and help you break free from mental constraints.

  • Engage in sky/star gazing: Take a few moments each day to look up at the sky/stars (even if it's just through a window) can prime your mind to generate more good ideas & be more creative.

By understanding & harnessing the ā€œcathedral effectā€, you can tap into the wellspring of creativity within youā€¦

So, look up, let your mind wander & discover the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the confines of your everyday thinking.


Speaking of creativityā€¦

If youā€™d like to learn how exactly creativity works & how you can become a lot more creative in your work & lifeā€¦

ā€¦then be sure to check out this amazing creativity course, called:

Who is this course for?

Well, if you've ever wished you could be more creative... to be able to generate brilliant ideas & churn out genius work that wows others (transforming your career, finances, as well as the positive impact you have on the world as a result)...

ā€¦then ā€˜yesā€™, this new creativity course is for you!

It'll teach you eye-opening insights, frameworks & life-changing understandings that'll change how you think about creativity, work, innovation & success forever!

(as well as scientifically-proven, practical steps & strategies to consistently tune into inspiration, call in aha-moments & generate brilliant, creative work ā€” even if you don't believe you're particularly creative, or insightful right now.)


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