Building Better Routines, Powerful Learning Hack & Achieving Self-Mastery (2)

The newsletter which curates & delivers the best mind hacks, mental health tips & high performance strategies to you every single week.


How To Use The 'Habit Stacking' Method To Create Amazing & Effortless 'Routines' That Produce Radically Better Results!

When most people think about building new habits, they usually think about individual ones...

"I'm going to start meditating every day" they might think...

Or, "I'm going to build the habit of running every morning"...

And while this is a great start, there is actually a higher level of understanding (& arguably, an even better approach!) that will help you to achieve even more, even faster...

It's a method known as ā€˜habit stackingā€™...

Instead of just building new habits into your life (as a way to get yourself to automatically & consistently do the things required to achieve your goals)...

...what you want to do to take this to a higher level is "stack" 1 good habit upon another upon another, forming a "habit stack" (or, a "routine") ā€” & proceed to build that entire sequence in through repetition...

For example, you might take 5 good habits that you'd like to build into your life, e.g...

  • Taking a cold shower

  • Drinking more water

  • Meditation

  • Journalling

  • Stretching your body

And you do them one immediately after another...

Like this, take a look:

When you do this (over time), what happens is that not only are you getting the benefits of each of the habits individually, but implementation is much easier as well as follow through is automatic & effortless...

That's because completing habit #1 as part of the 'stack' becomes the 'cue' (or, trigger) for you to play out the next one...

Or, put another way... the completion of 1 habit is your signal to play out the next one... & so you do... automatically (without thinking, no willpower required!)

Plus: there's also efficiency in grouping activities/habits in this way that also saves time too... (similar to the way that 'focus blocks' as a way of work that we covered in a previous newsletter boost your productivity!)

Of course, you can do this at any time of the day...

...but 2 particularly great times to "stack" good, positive, empowering habits in this way are in the morning (e.g. before you start your work), as well as in the evening (before bed)... create an amazing "morning routine" & "evening routine"...

...which helps you to be more productive, successful, a lot healthier & much happier in your life!

So, ask yourself, which habits are you going to 'stack' together?

To help with you with this, we created a companion newsletter (giving you even more amazing free content every week!) called:

In this habit-focused newsletter, we will identify, curate & deliver you a detailed breakdown of these very best of the best ā€˜habitsā€™ that you can possibly build...

(the ones scientifically-proven to make the biggest difference for you; also as practices by the world's most successful people!)... help you to transform your health, fitness, mental health, income, relationships with others & happiness in life!



ā€œYou will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourselfā€¦ the height of a man's success is gauged by his self-masteryā€™ā€™

Leonardo Da Vinvi


Earlier this week, we announce a brand new, completely revamped, updated & upgraded course put together by our founder & CEO.

Itā€™s called:

Itā€™s an in-depth course which will teach you how to apply the same critical thinking methods, mental models & success strategies routinely used by billionaires, fortune 500 CEOs, visionary entrepreneurs, renowned investors & even historyā€™s greatest leaders...

ā€¦to sharpen your own thinking, make better decisions, work smarter (not harder) & achieve even your biggest, boldest goals in rapid time!

This new, upgraded version of the course is officially available for you to get access todayā€¦ (& we cannot wait to hear the results itā€™ll help you create!)


How To Accelerate Your Learning By Getting Into A Great 'Pre-Learning State' & Leveraging The Power Of Simple ā€˜Ritualsā€™

Realize it or not, the 'emotional state' (how you feel) you're in when you enter a learning situation...

It will have a huge impact on how quickly you'll learn, absorb information, come up with creative solutions & create results!

If you start reading a book, or learning a new skill while you're pissed off, angry or you're distracted by something that happened this morning, for example... you're not going to learn as fast, remember as much, or develop skills as effectively as you could!

Meanwhile, if you begin your learning (or skill development) efforts feeling empowered & excited to learn the material... now, this 'pre-learning emotional state' will help you to learn faster!

This is one of the patterns of high achievers: they place a lot of focus on ensuring that they are in a great "emotional state" whenever they approach learning, work, or anything else... 

They are very intentional about this & you should be too!

Focusing on learning specifically...

Before you learn anything, you can ask yourself...


"What's my energy like right now?"

"how am I feeling?"

(check in with yourself in this way!) 

Then, continue on to ask yourself, 


ā€œWhat should I be focusing on & feeling right now... in order to perform at my best?"

And "what can I do to be more excited about this?"

By managing your "state" & energy... you will perform better, learn faster & ultimately, achieve more across all the important areas of your life!

Speaking of which, one great way to change your state is with a ritual (similar to the idea of 'habits' & 'habit stacking' we covered at the beginning of this week's newsletter)...

Using ā€˜Ritualsā€™ To Change (Pre-Learning) State

Ellen DeGeneres would famously toss a mint in the air & catch it as she was coming onto the setā€¦

Itā€™s simple. Itā€™s a little silly. A little funny. And thatā€™s exactly what itā€™s meant to beā€¦

It's a great little ritual she did that brings her into a better, more charismatic, more playful, emotional state before starting the showā€¦

Another example is Barack Obama, who always played basketball on the morning of an Election Day...

A ritual that allowed him to get into a better state of mind (potentially to de-stress, calm nerves & come in with a great sense of calm.)

And no, this is not about superstitions...

Itā€™s about an action ā€” a 'ritual' ā€” that you consistently do to get yourself into a particular state of mind!

So, the question is, before you learn (or do!) anything, what emotional state do you want to be in that would be optimal for that?

And what can do you do to get into that emotional state so you not only feel better, but also perform better too?

Implement this ā€˜learning hackā€™ to get better results šŸ˜ƒ 


or to participate.