90 Second Rule, Pareto Principle & Simple Success Secret

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ā€˜90 Second Ruleā€™ (Orā€¦ How To Develop Greater Emotional Control & Change How You Feel In Seconds)

The brain scientist & author of the book, "My Stroke Of Insight" Jill Bolte Taylor coined the '90 second rule', which simply states:

ā€œWhen a person has a reaction to something in their environment, thereā€™s a 90-second chemical process that happens; any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop.ā€

In other wordsā€¦ what emotions do is they build, they peak, & then they should (at least in theory) begin to decline naturally.... all in as little as 90 seconds!

As you can see visually demonstrated here:

If this doesnā€™t happen, then itā€™s worth looking intoā€¦

For instance, the reason that they don't start to decline naturally for most people is that they start rethinking the same thoughts which trigger the same chemicals in the brain & body (e.g. dopamine, norepinephrine, cortisol, adrenalin, etc)ā€¦

Leading to staying in the same emotional state much, much longer than that...

(even for hours, days or months - as in the case of anxiety disorders or depression.)

So, what's the practical advice here?

Well, the next time you feel a strong emotion that you want to change, all you have to do is allow it for 90 secondsā€¦

Don't fight it.

Don't resist it (that will only make it worse).

Just feel it fully - in your mind & in your body - for 90 seconds without judgment & it'll start to dissipate naturally...

At which point you can consciously choose to think about something else sparking a new (more desirable) emotional stateā€¦

Apply the ā€˜90 Second Ruleā€™ in your life!


ā€˜Pareto Principleā€™ (a.k.a. 80/20 Rule)

Another great rule for work & life is the Pareto Principle (or 80/20 Rule), which states that in most situationsā€¦

20% of the input (the effort) will produce as much as 80% of the output (the result.)

Based on this & whether you realize it or not... these are some things in your life that you do (for example, in your work) which are producing exponential results on the investment of time, energy, effort as well as money (the top 20% that produce 80% of all the progress & results)...

And there are also lots of other things which you spend a lot of time on but offer very little return on investment back in return.

The key is to identify these things & look to improve themā€¦ to spend more time on your highest value, highest priority activities & to stop wasting time on the things which offer little back in returnā€¦

(including avoiding them altogether, delegating them, or outsourcing them to others.)

There are also variations of this rule known as the ā€˜4% Ruleā€™ (which is 80/20 Ɨ 80/20 which states that often just 4% of actions can lead to as much as 64% of the results) or the ā€˜1 Thingā€™ with a bestselling book written on the topic.

And if youā€™d like to learn more frameworks, methods & mental models (just like the ā€˜Pareto Principleā€™) to improve your decision-making, productivity & resultsā€¦ check out our other, companion newsletter, titled:

We do the heavy lifting & grunt work of meticulously researching, studying & curating the best insights, concepts & frameworks to help you make more intelligent decisions & get ahead in life... & delivering those to you (in simple terms, easy to implement) every single weekā€¦

ā€¦ultimately, helping you to achieve more of the results, the success, happiness & wellbeing you truly deserve in this life!


Why People Get Wildly Different Results?

After spending his life studying human behavior, psychologist, researcher & godfather of flow psychology, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, concluded that:


ā€œthe same neural pathways that a top performer uses to perform at their very best are the SAME neural pathways that an addict uses for addiction.ā€

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Put simply, it's not our psychological or emotional needs, or brains, that are so different... rather, what separates people (& their results) is how they learn to fulfill their needs & use their brain ('neural pathways'.)

A simple example: everybody experiences stress, but not everybody reacts to it in the same wayā€¦

Some will experience stress & fall into bad habits (smoking, drinking, weed, aggression, etc)ā€¦ while others will find more positive, empowering of calming their brain & body like going on a walk, meditating, or talking to friendsā€¦

Same cause (stress), different ways of coping with it.


Using Light / Darkness... (For Maximum Energy, Focus & Productivity During The Day + Easy Sleep At Night!)

When light (whether it's from the sun, or from a light bulb indoors) enters your eyes, what it does is it signals to your brain to be more awake & alert...

More brightness = more signal to be awake.

The same applies in reverse...

The absence of light (a.k.a. darkness) is essentially a signal for lower energy, greater relaxation & sleep.

That's the basic understanding, but when you look at most people's lives, they are not applying this properly at all...

We wake up in darkness, spend our days in dark/dimly lit homes & officesā€¦ we don't get anywhere near enough sunlight (or any of it!) during the dayā€¦

ā€¦& then wonder why we're tired, fatigued or experience brain fog/poor alertness during the day (no matter how many cups of coffee we've had today!)

Sure, many things affect your energy from your diet to exercise to stress & other more long-term factors that we'll cover in the next video of this module, but day-to-day, perhaps the biggest factor is this, light (or, in this case, the lack of it!)

But, it gets worse...

Then, in the evening, we spend our evenings on our smartphones, or sitting in front of big screen TV's (which emit blue light - which goes straight into your eyes & signals to our brain to be awake!)...

...just as we're unwinding to go to bed.

And again, we wonderā€¦ this time why we can't fall sleep easily (with millions of people now requiring melatonin supplements, sleeping pills, or aids just to fall asleep nowadays!)

What you want to do is the exact opposite of what most people in society are doing; you want to use this understanding consciously & correctly...

And you want to start using light (as well as everything else) as another level to also regulate your mood...

Don't want to feel groggy in the morning & feel like a zombie during the first few hours of the day? 

Then, open the blinds while you sleep so that sunlight starts hitting you as you begin to wake up...

Or, if there is no sunlight (like in winter where you wake up at 6am & it's still pitch black outside & will be for a number of hours), you can get some artificial light (or an alarm clock that omits this artificial light, called a ā€˜Sunrise Alarm Clockā€™). 

That will wake you up ^

Once the sun does come up, go out onto the balcony, or go for a walk & get sunlight as soon as possible...

(you can also do this during lunchtime to help overcome the afternoon crash & declining productivity most people experience in the afternoon...)

In the office, turn on (or turn up) the lights...

(more brightness = more energy, remember?)

Meanwhile, at night... before going to bed... do the exact opposite...

Turn the lights off... get into darkness... & avoid blue light from electronic devices (or get a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses, or a screen protector) that blocks this blue light...

That's a super simple, easy hack for more energy (+ focus & productivity) during the day & easy sleep at night!

And if youā€™d like to learn more hacks for supercharging your energy levels, elevating your morning routine & improving your life, check out our newly-released training series, called:

Inside youā€™ll learn 6 energy-boosting, focus-enhancing, motivation-activating & productivity-multiplying habits you can use to transform your work & lifeā€¦


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